[pextestim pex_attr_name=”Dr Murray David Schane, MD” pex_attr_img=”http://internationalmastersoninstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/MDSchane20151.jpg” pex_attr_occup=”Lecturer, Supervisor” pex_attr_org=”International Masterson Institute” pex_attr_parallax=”disabled”]Murray David Schane, M.D. is a psychiatrist who lives and practices in New York City. He grew up in Detroit, Michigan and studied English literature and writing there and at the University of Chicago and then attended Stanford Medical School in California. After completing residency training in psychiatry and a fellowship in social psychiatry at Einstein College of Medicine in New York, he divided his career between private practice and community psychiatry where he worked as a clinician and a teacher, supervisor and director of psychiatric residency training in association with Columbia University. He also had extensive experience as the forensic consultant to Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, a state hospital in New York.
He has written two feature articles, one on the “father” of contemporary, ground-breaking studies of schizophrenia and another on a radical arts program for the mentally ill. Another book project is underway on the strange and terrifying career of a living psychopath and sexual murderer, a close-in study of a criminal mind that passed for years as the personality of a bland schoolteacher. Currently, in addition to his practice, teaching and writing, Dr. Schane is Past President of MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization, the leading advocacy organization and was the Editor of its quarterly newsletter, Men Speak Out.
Dr. Schane is also on the faculty of the International Masterson Institute, an educational organization, which offers a three-year certification course in psychotherapy of the personality disorders, also involving treatment of psychological trauma. These courses and the case supervision he provides are offered via videoconferencing and life in situ conferences to post-graduate students in the USA, South Africa, Turkey, Canada, and Australia