WeekTopicReading Material
1A traditional classical psychoanalytic view of the narcissistic personality.Reich, Annie. (1960). Pathological forms of self-esteem regulation. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 15:215-232.
2Masterson: Developmental Theory; Parenting; Differential Diagnosis.Masterson, J.F. (1981). The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Part I: The psychopathology of narcissism (pp. 3-5).
- Chapter 1: The narcissistic personality disorder (pp. 7-27).
- Chapter 2: Differential diagnosis (pp. 28-32; 40-49).
3Masterson: Therapeutic TechniqueMasterson, J.F. (1981). The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 3: The clinical picture: case history and intrapsychic structure (pp. 50-55).
- Chapter 4: Psychotherapy of the narcissistic personality disorder – the testing phase (pp. 56-63).
- Chapter 5: The beginning of the working-through phase (pp. 64-97).
4The Closet Narcissistic Disorder. Masterson: further Therapeutic Technique; Communicative Matching.Masterson, J.F. (1993). The Emerging Self: A Developmental, Self, and Object relations Approach to the Treatment of the Closet Narcissistic Disorder of the Self. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 1: The clinical picture (pp. 3-11).
- Chapter 2: A developmental self, and object relations theory (pp. 12-25).
- Chapter 4: Therapeutic neutrality, frame, stance and task (pp. 67-85).
Masterson, J.F. (1985). The Real Self. A Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 5: Treatment of the Impaired Real Self: Communicative Matching (pp. 52-89).
5Masterson: further Therapeutic technique; Shorter-Term treatment.Fischer, R. (1989). “Psychotherapy of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 5, pp 69-89).
Klein, R. (1989). “Shorter-Term Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 6, pp. 103-109).
6The Devaluing Narcissist; further Differential
Pearson, J. (1995). “Mirrors of Rage: The Devaluing Narcissistic Patient”, in Masterson & Klein, Disorders of the Self. New Therapeutic Horizons, New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 15, pp. 299-311).
Masterson, J. (2000). The Personality Disorders. Phoenix, Arizona: Zeig, Tucker and Co., Inc.
- Chapter 5: Differential diagnosis – defensive focus on the object (pp. 116-138).
7Countertransference with the narcissistic structure.Fischer, R. (1989). “Countertransference to Transference Acting Out of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel,
- (Chapter 21, pp. 345-369).
Robbins, B. (1995). “Neutrality Under Attack: Devaluation in the Therapeutic Relationship”, in Masterson & Klein, Disorders of the Self. New Therapeutic Horizons, New York: Brunner/Mazel,
- (Chapter 16, pp. 313-324).
8Review: KohutElson, M (Ed.) (1987). The Kohut Seminars on Self Psychology and Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Young Adults. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
- Chapter 1: Value Judgements Surrounding Narcissism (pp. 3-17).
- Chapter 2: The Separate Developmental Line of Narcissism and Object Love (pp. 18-30).


– Elson, M (Ed.) (1987). The Kohut Seminars on Self Psychology and Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Young Adults. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
– Masterson, J.F. (1981). The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
– Masterson, J.F. (1985). The Real Self. A Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
– Masterson, J.F. (1993). The Emerging Self: A Developmental, Self, and Object relations Approach to the Treatment of the Closet Narcissistic Disorder of the Self. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
– Masterson, J.F. (2000). The Personality Disorders. Phoenix, Arizona: Zeig, Tucker and Co., Inc.
– Masterson, J.F. and Klein, R. (editors). (1989). Psychotherapy of the disorders of the self: the Masterson approach. New York: Bruner/Mazel Publishers.
– Masterson, J.F. and Klein, R. (editors). (1995). Disorders of the self: new therapeutic horizons. New York: Bruner/Mazel Publishers.
– Reich, Annie. (1960). “Pathological forms of self-esteem regulation”, Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 15:215-232.

WeekTopicReading Material
1A traditional classical psychoanalytic view of the narcissistic personality.Reich, Annie. (1960). Pathological forms of self-esteem regulation. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 15:215-232.
2Masterson: Developmental Theory; Parenting; Differential Diagnosis.Masterson, J.F. (1981). The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Part I: The psychopathology of narcissism (pp. 3-5).
- Chapter 1: The narcissistic personality disorder (pp. 7-27).
- Chapter 2: Differential diagnosis (pp. 28-32; 40-49).
3Masterson: Therapeutic TechniqueMasterson, J.F. (1981). The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 3: The clinical picture: case history and intrapsychic structure (pp. 50-55).
- Chapter 4: Psychotherapy of the narcissistic personality disorder – the testing phase (pp. 56-63).
- Chapter 5: The beginning of the working-through phase (pp. 64-97).
4The Closet Narcissistic Disorder. Masterson: further Therapeutic Technique; Communicative Matching.Masterson, J.F. (1993). The Emerging Self: A Developmental, Self, and Object relations Approach to the Treatment of the Closet Narcissistic Disorder of the Self. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 1: The clinical picture (pp. 3-11).
- Chapter 2: A developmental self, and object relations theory (pp. 12-25).
- Chapter 4: Therapeutic neutrality, frame, stance and task (pp. 67-85).
Masterson, J.F. (1985). The Real Self. A Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Chapter 5: Treatment of the Impaired Real Self: Communicative Matching (pp. 52-89).
5Masterson: further Therapeutic technique; Shorter-Term treatment.Fischer, R. (1989). “Psychotherapy of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 5, pp 69-89).
Klein, R. (1989). “Shorter-Term Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 6, pp. 103-109).
6The Devaluing Narcissist; further Differential
Pearson, J. (1995). “Mirrors of Rage: The Devaluing Narcissistic Patient”, in Masterson & Klein, Disorders of the Self. New Therapeutic Horizons, New York: Brunner/Mazel, (Chapter 15, pp. 299-311).
Masterson, J. (2000). The Personality Disorders. Phoenix, Arizona: Zeig, Tucker and Co., Inc.
- Chapter 5: Differential diagnosis – defensive focus on the object (pp. 116-138).
7Countertransference with the narcissistic structure.Fischer, R. (1989). “Countertransference to Transference Acting Out of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder”, in Masterson, J.F. & Klein, R. Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self: The Masterson Approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel,
- (Chapter 21, pp. 345-369).
Robbins, B. (1995). “Neutrality Under Attack: Devaluation in the Therapeutic Relationship”, in Masterson & Klein, Disorders of the Self. New Therapeutic Horizons, New York: Brunner/Mazel,
- (Chapter 16, pp. 313-324).
8Review: KohutElson, M (Ed.) (1987). The Kohut Seminars on Self Psychology and Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Young Adults. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
- Chapter 1: Value Judgements Surrounding Narcissism (pp. 3-17).
- Chapter 2: The Separate Developmental Line of Narcissism and Object Love (pp. 18-30).


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